Saturday, August 8, 2009

그래도 널 사랑해*

* = but still I love you (geur-eh-do nul sarang-hae).

Sorry, that's really lame and doesn't make any sense, but it happens to be what I'm listening to at this particular moment, and it didn't feel right to start a post without Korean lyrics.

As though it weren't bad enough to have a stomach flu that merits a trip to the hospital, my body has decided to completely crap out on me by catching a cold with less than 48 hours to go before my final exams. I started feeling a touch sniffly yesterday while studying in a cafe, so I booked it out of there instantly and started sucking down ColdEeze (thankfully I brought a decent supply of that with me, as I trust that stuff more than I trust St. Anthony to find all of my lost possessions). I woke up this morning feeling ache-y and stuffy, a terrific combination to ensure that I am totally unable to study, but I've felt a BIT better since then and am hoping that if I rest up this afternoon, I'll at least be able to get some work done tonight. My table at Cafe Pascucci must be feeling lonely; after all, I promised it that my ass would warm that seat until Thursday's speaking interview is history. Alas. I also had to cancel a language partner meeting with Yeorin Unni, which pissed me off beyond measure because I was really hoping to practice with her and have her read over my latest 쓰기 essays. Stupid cold.

I suppose, then, that my last week in Korea will be a bit on the low-key side; I mean, I expected that simply because of final exams, but hopefully I'll be better in time to enjoy my last full weekend here. I'd really like to go out with my class on Thurs/Fri and to spend some time with Jihye Unni & her friends from SPO before I leave. Oh, and of course with Bob & Sneha, since they're planning on being here for a year and won't return to Yale before I graduate...ㅠ.ㅠ...

In any case, I decided to take this opportunity of being unable to focus on anything for longer than 24 seconds to post a few pictures that I've shamelessly pilfered from my (Asian) classmates who are assuredly more camera-happy than I and much more faithful in their efforts to document basically everything in their lives. Thanks to the beauty of Facebook (and my incredible skills of persuasion, in that I managed to convince a bunch of 30-year-old Japanese girls to jump on the Facebook bandwagon, much to my total glee), there are many more pictures available to the viewing public (or the Facebook-having public, at any rate). But here are some that will at least put some faces to names! I love these people :)

말하기 선생님, 이혜전 선생님 (= speaking teacher, Lee HyeJun Sunsaengim). Taken during one of our last speaking classes :( Here we are learning/doing dialogue practice!

읽이/듣기 선생님, 양승희 선생님 (= reading/listening teacher, Yang SeungHee Sunsaengnim). LOVE THIS WOMAN. Perhaps one of the funniest people I've met since I got to Korea. By far my most enthusiastic teacher.

Sadly, I STILL have no pics of Choi HyunJi Sunsaengnim, my writing teacher, nor any of my writing class. Nobody seems to want to take any pictures during writing class, probably because it starts at 9AM and nobody is ever fully awake...I'm sure I'll manage to take some during our last class/graduation...

A good chunk of my speaking class! There is not a single person in this photo that I won't miss dearly.
Top Row (L-R): Akabame, Becky, Casey, Ada, Kanako
Middle Row (L-R): Yuki, Konomi, Seona
Bottom Row (L-R): Hatim, me, Yukiko
Please note that I am drinking banana milk, the greatest thing in Korea (slight exaggeration, since I'm pretty sure that would be Jihye Chung), and that basically everyone has thrown up the peace sign.

most of my speaking class at a Chinese restaurant! I unfortunately ate nothing this meal for fear of upsetting my stomach, but I had such a good time with these folks.
L-R: Yukiko, Yuki, me, Ada, Jere, Casey, Kanako, Seona, Konomi, Akabame, Miho

This has nothing to do with anything, but I just thought it was hilarious. All of our names are posted up in the back of our speaking classroom, and this is me pointing to my name (장미, Jangmi, Rose).

Many thanks to Yukiko & Kanako for the pictures, should they ever stumble upon this blog :)

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