Thursday, August 13, 2009


* = done! (ggeut!)

A teensy post with little purpose other than to report that final exams are OVER(!) and that this makes my weary body quite happy. Perhaps I'll actually start to recover now; I had to go to the hospital again on Wednesday. Sigh. I suppose that this is fate's way of kicking me in the arse for not bothering to buy insurance before coming here; I really should have read that Blue Cross website more carefully. Another word to the wise (there seem to be quite a few of those this week, I suppose as I make/realize more mistakes): buy yourself some damn insurance. You don't know how/when it will come in handy.

As for the tests themselves, there was not a great deal unexpected about them; I think I did better on my speaking written test than I did on the midterm, but we'll have to wait and see. As for the 20 minute oral interview test, that passed rather painlessly, but of course as soon as I walked out I started cursing myself for a thousand undetected mistakes. At least I spoke somewhat fluidly, which is not a rarity for me, but a difficulty. My goal was to make my interviewer laugh and mention SNSD at least once, which I did with success. I'm just relieved that it's over, and I anticipate my results tomorrow. Also, a special thank you to Jaehee Ju (if she ever reads this), my old tutor, whom I called last night to chat with and practice (even though she's in the States!). Jaehee Unni, thank you for the help, and I miss you more than I can say :)

After exams, I went to the Hyundai Department Store to buy bribery a gift for our speaking teacher, Lee HyeJun, who is having a baby next month. Our class all pitched in, and somehow I volunteered myself for the duty of the actual purchasing. Surprisingly (or maybe not?), I was able to successfully walk away with a cute pajama-looking outfit after talking with 2 different salespeople. And I don't mean like, just stammering out "okays" or "yeses," I actually like, talked to them. It's kind of an amazing feeling, and it gives me incredible motivation to do everything that I can to make this kind of thing happen again. Namely next year. What?

Tomorrow is Sogang's graduation ceremony, which we'll all be attending, and then I think we get to do some hardcore hanging out/last-day bonding with our friends and teachers before we all leave to our respective countries. I'm glad I'll be in better health for it (although it certainly wouldn't have killed me to be in better health for my exams, GAH). I think I've learned a really important lesson about the meaning of relationships here, which I expect to share at some point with my like, 3 readers (thanks, HAYEON LEE, who informed me that none of my friends read my blog - but how could you miss so many of my sparkling insights?!), but for now, I'll leave you hanging, as I've got to eat dinner + buy my writing teacher 10 bottles of nail polish. I'll explain later.


  1. Sad that the blog is coming to an end. I vote that you apply for another Light Fellowship. =)

  2. Haha, don't worry, Kelly - in all of my goodbyes here so far, I've mentioned at least a dozen times, "Don't worry! Hopefully, I'll be back soon!" :)
