Saturday, December 25, 2010


* = tell me.

HEY GUYS, someone just posted a thought-provoking comment (on my ridiculous "I hate you SK" post, which is a few entries back) and I answered!  This is just to let people know that this is okay and, in fact, encouraged.  I like talking about things!  Almost as much as I like talking about myself, which, let's face it, is probably reason number one why this blog exists (my fellowship requirements being a close second).

Oh, and if you want to ask a question or post a comment, I'd appreciate it if you at least left a name.  One of my favorite blogs, Ask a Korean!, labels all people who don't offer names in their queries "anonymous coward."  I'm not gonna go that far, but I'll be the first to admit that I am a little high-strung and anonymous comments make me nervous and kick my already-overactive imagination into high gear.  Go figure.

I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Christmas (I know I did!  And I'll post pictures of the kind of wacky cake-making party that took place after Christmas service at my church at a time that isn't 3 in the morning)!  Peace in the Middle East, fools (and on the Korean peninsula, too).


  1. You've kept a good mix of posts about Korea and yourself. There's nothing wrong with introspection and reflection!

    I'm wondering if Anon just happened across your post, or if (s)he is a regular reader. Either way, you replied to the criticism with careful thought and grace. Props for that.

  2. Any further thoughts after SK conducted the drill and NK backed off? Do you think that SK's drill in the face of potential attack actually helped keep NK in check or was it needlessly dangerous?

    [Note: I'm sad/concerned about the entire situation.]

    And if you don't like that question, how about this?:

    Do you have a read on younger Korean women's view of the perfect boyfriend/husband (and vice-versa)? Or what the ideal dynamic is in such arrangements - is it "50/50" with clearly defined roles and duties? Is it still 'man as the person who succeeds outside the home' while 'woman succeeds inside the home'? This stuff was really taking an obvious turn when I was there, so curious what it's like now among your friends.
