Wednesday, January 26, 2011

처음 처럼*

* = like the first time.

A few posts back, I (rather poorly) answered a question about Korean gender perceptions, particularly in terms of dividing duties in a marriage.  I am by no means an expert on this (actually, since I have basically no formal education on Korea, I am not an expert on ANYTHING to do with the country, so pretty much anything I have to say is rooted in anecdotes), but I was recently referred to a fantastic blog called The Grand Narrative, which deals with "Korean sociology through gender, advertising, and popular culture" [description quoted directly from the tagline].  Blogger James Turnbull's posts are insightful, clear, and astoundingly well-researched.  As a bonus, he wins big points from me for having taken the time as an English teacher to learn to speak and read Korean.  If you have any questions about sexuality in Korea (or even if you don't), I strongly suggest you check it out.


  1. Great blog, you're right! Super impressed with his engagement and ability to makes sense of another culture.

  2. Thanks to both of you for the kind words about my blog. But please write a proper "about" page Dana, so I can learn more about you too!^^

  3. James - but I was pretty sure that the fact that I like noraebang was all people needed to know about me! In fact, I'm a student from Yale University who is being generously funded for a year of language study at Sogang University in Seoul - I'll update the About Me shortly! Thanks for the suggestion, and thanks for doing what you do! Feel free to drop by anytime :)
